What are the most overused words in English?

Some of the most overused words and expressions in day-to-day conversation, particularly by the younger generation are:

  1. “Like”: Often used as a filler word or to emphasize a point.
  2. “Literally”: Frequently used for emphasis, even when not meant in a literal sense.
  3. “Awesome”: Used to describe something as great or impressive, often without much thought.
  4. “Totally”: Used to express agreement or confirmation.
  5. “Amazing”: Similar to “awesome,” used to describe something as remarkable or impressive.
  6. “Basically”: Used to simplify or summarize a concept.
  7. “I know, right?”: Used to express agreement or shared understanding.
  8. “OMG” (Oh my God): An acronym used to express surprise or excitement.
  9. “Epic”: Used to describe something as grand or extraordinary.
  10. “Sick”: Used to describe something as cool or impressive.

These words and expressions are commonly used in informal conversations, social media posts, and everyday interactions, often without much consideration for their impact or original meaning.